Thursday, May 28, 2015

You know you are working on your startup when...

  1. you derive satisfaction from your vision...while still trying to assess if you are crazy to have the vision in the first place
  2. you look at people as potential customers no matter where you go, or try to understand their concerns so that you can make the difference (read: make money)
  3. your faith in NPV gets even stronger, what with all the expenses you are projected to incur
  4. you wake up with a defined plan of action only to have to work on something completely different 
  5. you get super excited with the baby steps especially if it is with a potential partner or an investor
  6. you refresh your coding skills for that 'MVP' because you found the quotes to be outrageous 
  7. you can work from your bedroom 24*7, unless you have to meet customers / investors
  8. you do not get excited about a weekend
  9. you forget that Game of Thrones is still airing for a month
  10. you write a blog post at 2 in the morning to energize yourself
More than anything you know you are working on your startup when you go to sleep with the hope that tomorrow will be better than today and the resolve that you will get it done no matter what it takes. 

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